
Weekly update #3


This is the march monthly.
Love of March
High resolution

Dev spotlight

The development of V3 has added many features that are invisible to players. One of these is the map editor. The overmap was originally authored directly inside the Adobe Animate and changing it would have been fairly hard for a modder or a contributor. 

The different blip designs are purely for the map editor's convenience, they don't have functional differences.

To make mapping accessible, the map data was externalized into a .txt file that is parsed into the graphical interface as map blips at runtime. The map editor UI was partially included in the 2.10 versions. This partial implementation has some UI issues, but it can create playable map data. V3 will include a more complete version of the map editor.

In the future there will also be additional scripting functions, that allow you to change between different overmap files on the fly. These features will make sub maps or completely new maps possible to implement to the game engine by anyone.


  1. It is always nice to see progress, I hope life treats you well while you work on this aswell, I look forward to the next release of content however long that may be.

  2. So... We can modify map encounters?

    Nice boobs (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

  3. as the days pass would be cool to see wildlife migration
