
March 2018 art.

The march art update is a little sparse as I've directed my energy on creating the 2.0 content update. I've include three teaser pics (which you might have already seen) to pad out the content drought.

The picture is based on the character sketch 279.

Teaser pics:

Taulsol feeling little exposed on the Taodal beach.

Tornoth will get a large content update/remake for 2.0 update.

You get to visit inside of Shyni's house in 2.0, among other things.


  1. How many new feral and sentient creatures will there be in the 2.0? I'm just curious as always :D

    1. i would love to know as well, i would love to see many in the game, with a select few with benefits and issues as well.

  2. Why on patreon are only low donation why not bigger ?

    1. Agree. There should be 1, 5, 10, 20 ranges. So if I'm in love with your stuff and I'm rich too, I would pay 20/month. If I'm just a supporter with a wider wallet I would go for 5/month...

      Maybe there should be a 100$ line too for the Über-rich people who love what you are trying to achieve with Teraurge and wants to give you all the financial support you need.

      Reward ideas:
      1$ - Nothing special, basic supporter stuffs like news and updates
      5$ - Can participate votes too
      10$ - Line (sketch) art requests for the next "Images of the month"
      20$ - Detailed picture requests for the next "Images of the month"
      100$ - Free beer (I really don't know :D)

      These are my ideas only of course. Just say if I'm annoying :D

    2. oh indeed, if he had higher tier options he would be making far more then what he is now.

  3. oh man, i cant wait for 2.0. i wish i could fast forward into the future to see the fully fleshed out game. this is one of the few games i am truly waiting for.

    awesome job so far, keep it up, and please please add more options for higher donations.

  4. Do you know it will be released
