
1.12 Release

MEGA download of teraurge 1.13.

This update does not have new story content. This update is just a wrap up of all the issues in 1.0 This release also contains materials and debug tools for writers to make writing content easier.

I will make 1.13 if there's a major problem with the release, but 1.12 is meant to be last patch update to the 1.0 content version.

1.13 hotfix (because of course)
  • Fixed a bug that made Taulsol dialogue and Shyni cave quest very unstable (related to "unhide_character" scripting function).
1.12 Changelog
  • The exotic and ddddeadly "Bread knife" nerfed. Use the other pointy thing.
  • Large cave monster serpent fight scripting fixed.
  • Shoving Taulsol will no longer lock the game.
  • Male poh-ack is now sexable by female pcs.
  • Breib is now sexable by female pcs.
  • Various scripting issues fixed.
  • The dialogue options scrollbar is now more obvious.
  • Added a tutorial popup for map navigation.
  • The environment system now uses full resolution art but just downscales them atm.
  • Various scripting fixes.
  • Various grammar fixes.
  • Debug tools added.
  • Writer tutorial character Exampla added.
  • Basic character templates added.
How to use the debug tools:
  • (ctrl + D) Open/close debug menu
  • (ctrl + Q) Leave encounter
  • (ctrl + W) Win fight 
  • (ctrl + L) Lose fight 
  • Clicking a character from the list will start an encounter with the selected character.
  • Write a flag and press enter to add it to the flag list.
  • Write item name to add it to your inventory. (items.txt in items folder has all the items and their stats.)
  • The menu is a little janky and you might have click the game screen sometimes first to open/close it.
Update on the 2.0
I've already started the writing for the 2.0 release while working on the 1.12 (One of the reasons why this took so long). I do not know how long the content production will take, but I hope I can get some experience from this one to estimate future content production speed.

Here's the content update plan again from an earlier blogpost:
  • Cut content reintegrated back into the game.
    • Sinful m/m dickery.
    • Several missing feral scenes.
    • Few dialogue details.
  • Remastered Tornoth scenes + dialogue.
  • Updating existing art.
  • More pictures for existing scenes.
  • New small locations in Sejan.
  • New items.
  • Possibly new characters/encounters from contributors.
  • New characters.
  • Continuation to major character stories.


  1. Yay! Time to test out the stuff I wrote! Thanks for the update!

  2. The Follow Her command breaks the cave quest.
    The fish that Taulsol catch breaks him.
    Fix quick Pls!!!

  3. If we find typos or grammar issues, should we email you the corrections as before?

  4. yeah, the latest update broke a few things and can no longer pregress.

    in the cave when you choose follow her it goes into the bowel room and can no longer progress, its an endless loop of follow her commands.

    the fish he catches breaks him.

    1. oh and by the way, awesome visual novel. looking forward to the progression of this. nothing else out there quite like it.

  5. Any way to remove keyboard image on the map screen? It stops me from clicking some buttons.

    1. Okay, it's gone.
      Great game, love xeno stuff.

  6. I hoped for the niird_f oral scene as the pictures already there. But I will keep the hope alive till the 2.0 version if you will add new creatures and new scenes also.

    I'm a little hyped for this game :D

    1. i hope for more anal scenes (including with male)

  7. With that sock in the tree, will there be A scene with that creature from "Foggy Morning"?

  8. Hello!

    I like your game. Can you help? I do not know why, but there is no sound in the game.
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hey! The game doesn't have any sounds currently. The plan is to have music and sound effects in the future.

  9. Is it just me or is there not much to do? I did the bowl thing, fucked the Braaq, the alien thing (male), the dad and the daughter. Just see a gate, a wall by the ocean. Can't go further in the cave even with torch and rope. Talked to caterpillar about all animal sightings. Witch has no more dialog and the daughter is nowhere to be found.

    1. It is just you as there are a lot of sex in the game
      As a woman:
      Wildlife: Braq, Cuoxur, Niird, Poh-ack
      Sentient: Breib, Tornoth

      As a man:
      Wildlife: Braq, Couxur, Niird, Poh-ack
      Sentient: Breirb, Naigad, Shyni, Subni, Bykaas

      The story is so far:
      - Helping Naigad recovering some disk from a sunken box.
      - Helping Shyni discovering the Senjan Cave, finding the bowl (multiple outcomes)
      There are a few "happenings" that could have more meanings and indicating possible stories with multiple characters but only MeanDraco knows if there will be or not.
      - After the Bowl incident you will find Miggpli in the town who will teach you to the wildlife so you will know more and new possible scenes will open if you find the creatures again.

      So it is only the 1.13 version but if you are not cheating it means 2-3 hours of game (interacting with everything, following all dialogs...etc). It isn't a Witcher 3 but there are tons and tons of potential in it. So I can't wait for the 2.0 with more story, more scenes for the current creatures and I hope there will be more wildlife with facerape scenes :)

  10. Awesome game keep it up also maybe you could create a community discord for your game?

    1. I've thought about it but I'm not a discord person myself and having one seems like a duty to participate in it as well. I dunno really.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hey, I stumbled across this game by accident and I gotta say I love it. It's a lot of fun, and I love the characters. I can't wait for more updates. I also have to say, love the monster dad blacksmith, even if I can't do anything with him as a male. Also, this might of been asked before, but is the robot arm from the one quest going to be a gift to Taulsol? Ah, I'm rambling, if theres any way I can help with development, let me know!
