
April 2018 art

The work on the V2 update is progressing. I've polished up few stream art pieces for the April monthly art. The "Pink terrace" has an alternative male version.


"Niird wrangling"

"Pink terrace"

"Quick shower"

High resolution pics (dropbox)


  1. I love your work man!

    Never stop!

  2. Are these arts going to be added in the game with dialogue?

  3. absolutely amazing work, keep it up.

  4. I like the"Niird wrangling" art it suggests that we'll be able to use items in future sex scenes and I really like that idea, also two more thoughts.
    1) Is there a log in on this website I can't figure out how to use a name other than "unknown"
    2) Really hoping for more rape scenes, and that if the main character has more stamina during the bowl scene he won't get knocked down while raping shyni so you can continue and possibly leaving her in the cave broken and you would be able to visit her.

    1. yes and no, the comment section is basically its own thing. you see where the reply as is on the lower left, there's a drop down, you then select where ever you have an account for or want to use.

  5. I never imagined something like that look so... so... arousing. You are doing wery amazing work.
