
Player character progression plans

Here's also the next batch of late monthlies, these were meant for last year as well.

Bug love

Slime wyrm

High resolution
Bug love
Slime wyrm

New attributes

In V1 I kinda tried to ape Fallout (1-2) S.P.E.C.I.A.L with the attribute number range and the semi permanence of the initial stats. However, the numbers were too wide and arbitrary to give good feedback on the character, and so most of them went unused in the attribute checks in the game's scripting.

This is actually pretty old concept for the new start game screen. The V3 one will have a resemblance to this one. Yes it's inspired by the old Fallouts.

In V3 the attributes will go from 1 to 4. This is game mechanics -wise exactly the same as the V2 system, but it just uses smaller numbers..

1 poor
2 normal.
3 good.
4 Extremely good.

This range is already represented in V2 as 4, 6, 8 and 10.

The reduced range for the attributes will give more character definition to different attribute allocations since the writers can account for a clear amount of different outcomes (4) for each check.

Having a reduced attribute range in addition of them being fixed means that the game can't use the attributes as a reward/punishment system by manipulating these numbers. The game handing out attribute points to the player characters would quickly make all of them the same later in the game and the attribute checks would completely lose their meaning.

Not giving the player the ability to increase their attributes also discourages behavior, where the player first optimizes their character before engaging with content that might check the attribute scores to always achieve the "optimal" outcome to the story. The idea is to get the player to engage with the dialogue first instead of the numbers.

Most of the character development in the game will be placed on the equipment, story, cards and the deck building. This is one of the reasons I want to add feats into the game, to give better definition to all of the different kinds of player characters.


The attributes can't really handle situations where a very specific skill is needed. For example, I wouldn't want to tie the PC's ability to pick locks solely to their agility. Therefore feats will included as one of the new character progression features. These feats can basically represent any new special PC skill or ability and can be checked in dialogue with a function. Feats might not get added into the game with V3 because of the game's currently limited scope and lack of need for them at the moment.

Scar journal

One of the more esoteric ideas for player character progression will be a scar journal that visually shows all the scars the player character has received during the game and how/when they were inflicted. This feature might appear in V3 but it has low priority compared to everything else so it's likely to be pushed to a later release.


This is a very requested feature and it fits pretty well into the game's premise of exploring a new world. This feature will not appear in V3 but it will definitely be included in a later release. The game already uses specifically named flags "player_knowledge" which will work perfectly as a system to add new information into the codex. The scripting system is also well suited for a codex-like menu.


  1. Hello,
    I like that range of attributes will be decreased. I'd be much easier figure out how good my character is.
    The idea behind attribute points sounds solid, tho I'm not fully convienced that artifcially blocking character attributes progression is a good idea. RPG players love increasing values of their characters; it's the basic progression system in many games and it works really well. People would work on the optimising their character attributes before engaging with content regardless what you'd do because your game does lock content if X attribute is not high enough.

    I dislike the idea that I have no real influence of my character progression and I'd have to relay on some random item/deck cards to increase those values. Tho, on paper deck/item system sounds good and allows to experiment with attribute on fly but does it really make sense that my intelligence is 4 because I have a book equipped? I could see deck system making sense using intelligence as an example if you had a card: "You discover passion for reading books and you always read before going to bed. Your intelligence is increased by 1" Or if you don't want to have system: "Kill X stuff to increase your attribute by 1". You would have to introduce quests that would grant X attribute points to spend through entire game actually. I think you should have quests that grants permament attribute increase and cards that provide attribute increase as long as they're equipped. There should be a way to unlock ability to have more equipped cards too.

    Scar Journal:
    I don't see a point of Scar Journal at this moment. The description is vague and doesn't explain purpouse of having it in game. Why should we keep track of whatever damage our character recieved?

    It would be really useful because it's difficult to recall all things you discover in game and what they mean. Player should be able to open such codex at any time in game.

    The game actually needs some form of quest log pretty soon. The quests relay on dialogue a lot and it's pretty easy to forget what we were suppoused to do after we explored the world and then would like to finish the quest. It can be done in "paper form", imagine quest log from Metro Exodus.

    Have a nice day.

  2. I have to be honest I would prefer a 1-5 stat range, I like multiples of 5 and 10 because they just "feel" right to me.

    I'm fine with static attributes so long as there is something that I as a player can actively work on improving, like skills (melee, ranged, sneak, magic ect) this would allow players to improve upon something while playing to provide that "progression" feeling.

    You could go old school world of darkness Attributes of 1-5 and skills of 1-5 adding attributes and skills together for activities, casting Magic is Will attribute + magic skill, attacking with swords is melee is strength + melee skill ect.

    Certain cards could become available by meeting the requirements in both attribute and skill.

  3. I really like the idea of having a scar list, they could be granted after certain ammount of damage in an attack is taken or if the character loses a fight. It would be nice to see how the characters react to the player having their body covered in scars or have untouched skin when theyre intimate.

    The player could also have advantages/disadvantages if their characters is riddled with injuries or scars, like penalizers to charisma or other stats depending on the kind of damage and location (leg injuries agility, head/face injuries charisma, etc) and one way of recovering would be to take an item that heals said scars or go with a specific character to fix the player.

    This will discourage losing constantly against enemies and will give the game a little bump in difficulty.

    This are just random ideas, whatever you decide to do though im sure it'll be for the best!

    Im loving the game by the way and I would love to see this reach completion, keep doing a great job!

  4. I really like your idea of the attributes and the feats, because to be honest, the system as it is right now makes the characther static.

    1. Also, it would be really nice to add jobs to the game, or at leastan stable way to get Adats and krats

  5. The only issue I have with stats as they stand is the ability to miss out on content without any hint that you're actually missing dialogue options. If there was a fallout style dialogue option telling you, for instance, that your charisma is too low to select an option it would at least give us an idea how to access certain dialogue choices.

    That would also depend on whether stats will remain static or not, the idea would be useless if attributes cannot be leveled.

  6. A scar journal sounds interesting. One of my favourite RPG's LISA: THE PAINFUL have an engaging progression system in which the protagonist picked two different loses. Either losing someone or your own limb. What made this work was making the player disadvantaged later on the game to the point where certain combat systems were completely removed. A scar journal could influence story and impressions or make future battles harder. Sounds like a neat idea to me.
