
V2 release date update

V2 delayed, new release date on 14th or between 23rd and 29th, explanation and excuses below.

The tentative 10th release day was too ambitious and while I've gotten huge pile of work done its not done yet. The delay is mostly caused by other commitments and issues outside the actual game development. Hurrying writing has been a hard thing, but I think I'm slowly becoming more productive writer.

The 14th is the latest I can release the game before I have to go on a week long trip without my workstation. I might be able to write for the game (which I will probably do if I slide past 14th), but testing and creating art will be impossible. I would probably finish the update soon after I get back (between 23rd and 29th).

I do not know how people in the writing and game business decide their deadlines, it's a very abstract science for me but the additional pressure has definitely pushed me to work harder. I've also isolated myself from the internet to a degree to minimize distractions. Which has caused me to forego updating the dev twitter.

Whatever happens the update is very likely out by 29th, if it isn't... uh.


  1. Speaking just for myself, quality trumps quantity. You're working damn hard, and you're keeping the folks who follow you informed as you go. Can't ask for more than that.

    Your work is great, and you remain the first independent artist I've ever pledged to on Patreon, something I do not regret in the slightest. Take whatever time you need.

  2. keep up the awesome work, try not to overwork yourself and burn yourself out (its easy to do).

    the devs and writers are usually not the ones that set the deadlines, the publishers usually do that, and the devs and writers have to try to meet the deadline. if the single dev or writer does set a date they've usually been in the game long enough to know about what they can do in said timeframe, or about how long it'll take. but like i said, keep up the awesome work, you're working your ass off, and most of us can withhold ourselves until you get it done.

  3. Honest to god I had found out about this today from 4chan and it is nearly 2 am now with me typing this here. What you're making is a goddamn masterpiece and if I got paid enough from my own job I would swear to you as a patron in a heartbeat. I played the entire thing to the teeth so far and I can swear you that there is literally no other kind of rpg I want to explore anymore. I don't want to stuff any coal into a hype train or anything but hoooooo boy is this a good fucking game so far.

  4. Replies
    1. Oh of course! I'm patient for whatever updates may come but incredibly excited at the same time for its developments!

  5. So it looks like release is gonna be near the end of the month. Well worth it though.

  6. Here's hoping this doesn't slip too far, because I am looking forward to seeing your work.

  7. now Henry Von Frompf needs removed from here
